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© 2004 J.Fraser
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Provide youth and their families with the best possible comprehensive counselling services which is focused on changing individuals outlook on life and family.

J. Fraser Consulting provides assessment and counselling to youth and families who are experiencing serious emotional difficulties that might result in self-harm, suicide, emotional withdrawal, loss of school placement, or loss of their place in the home or family.

We believe in keeping youth and families together by enhancing their strengths, developing their skills and promoting partnerships with the use of our services.


J. Fraser Consulting provides a range of high quality counselling for youth and their families who live in Toronto and surrounding areas. We operate under the Child and Family Services Act, providing counselling to all youth and their families, regardless of creed, religion, race, colour, sex, culture, language or socio-economic status. We will endeavor to work with, understand and respect the growth and development of each youth in the context of their family, community, culture and religion.


The Associates of J.Fraser Consulting are trained professionals
with many years of experience. They are all culturally trained and
culturally sensitive when dealing with youth and families of different
racial backgrounds.

Associates of J.Fraser Consulting are dedicated counselors.
Willing to work in any situation, showing integrity and professionalism
at all times.


- recieved a university degree or community college diploma
- have a minimum of two to three years experience in the field
- are all certified and trained in several behavioural interventions,
  family counselling, social skills, effective parenting and are
  experienced in facilitating workshops and seminars
- have excellent communicational skills
- are covered by professional liability insurance
- have recieved recent criminal reference checks



Mission Statement

Provide youth and adults with the best possible comprehensive life learning tool, which is focused on changing individuals understanding of life’s positive vision.Higher Vision provides learning tools that will reach out to all walks of life. Promoting academic growth, healthy living and positive out look on life. We believe in keeping youth and adults focused by enhancing their strengths, developing their skills and promoting a safe environment.

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