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Believing In Higher Visions

Believing In Higher Visions is a not for profit company, that is partnered with J.Fraser Consulting and owned by James Fraser. This company provides a range of high quality learning tools for youth and adults alike.

We operate under the Child and Family Services Act, providing several different learning strategies. Such as life learning music cd’s, dvd’ counselling, seminars and theater performances. Regardless of creed, religion, race, colour, sex, culture, language or socio-economic status. We will endeavor to work with, understand and respect the growth and development of each youth and adult in the context of their family, community, culture and religion. The company strives to provide quality learning tools to all youth and adults.

Higher Visions is a prime example of a company that implements planned social and academic change, because its focus is limited in scope by providing learning tools specifically for the youth and adult. Its aim is to enhance the quality of life for all youth and adults. The youth and adult who are being affected by the change are directly benefiting from Higher Vision’s learning tools!

We act as a change agent that is involving youth and adults who benefit from our learning tools, which is geared toward enriching their lives by providing the individual with a nurturing and positive vision!

We believe that every individual should have core values acting as guardrails to effectively guide them. Higher Visions aid youth and adults in developing a positive attitude. We believe that we can make a life-long impression by simply acknowledging the strengths in individuals.

Higher Visions demonstrates that participation in regular physical activity is the best way to combat obesity and prevent common childhood diseases!

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